Albrecht Strohschein This man had a tremendous influence on Clara Lehrs, even
though he was a few years younger than her eldest son, Ernst. He was very accomplished
in his work with special education within the Steiner movement and so was concerned
with exactly the type of children who were later taught by Karl Schubert in the
special class at the Waldorf School in Stuttgart. This class was later housed
in the house on Schellberg Street.
It was probably because Clara was quite impressed with what
could be achieved with one particular child who had very special needs that she
eventually agreed to work as a housekeeper for the institution in Lauesnstein,Jena.
The German word for what went on there is “Heilpädogogik” -
literally “healing pedagogoy”. Usually it is translated as “curative education”
or simply “special” education.
We have now, by 2013, come a long way since the 1920s with our
special education. What Rudolf Steiner, Karl Schubert and Albrecht Strohschein
did was extraordinary for the time. Karl Schubert taught these children, albeit
in a separate class, within a normal school. Although the Lauenstein centre was
an institution where children lived away from their families, the aim was to allow
the children to become as normal as possible, not just to hide them away from the
It fascinates me that Germany is so tolerant, respectful even
of the Steiner school system and also of its special education methods. Both
Karl Schubert’s and Albrecht Strohschein’s work is carried on by schools that
are named after them.
Clara Lehrs was a little wary of Steiner and anthroposophism.
I am too. And yet. The more I read the
materials I’ve accumulated in the name of research, the more I see that there
is something quite extraordinary within it.
Certainly both Shubert and Stohschein did a lot for children
with severe learning difficulties.
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